Total Solar Eclipse: Live from Turkey
March 29, 2006
2am PST
Totality at 2:55am PST
Exploratorium in San Francisco Open All Night, from 9pm on March 28 - 6am on March 29
For the fourth time, the Exploratorium will travel into the path of totality to bring the public this momentous event live, in real-time, via satellite and the Web. The program will be lively, informal, and educational, led by Exploratorium physicist Paul Doherty and NASA scientists. The Exploratorium will remain open from 9pm on March 28 ? 6am on March 29, so museum visitors can participate in fun all-night events, perhaps sleep, and watch the webcast live, beginning at 2am. Totality is at 2:55am PST.
On March 29, 2006, a total solar eclipse will occur as the moon moves directly between the Earth and the sun. The moon?s shadow will fall on the Earth, first darkening the western shore of Brazil, and then moving across the Atlantic Ocean to make landfall in Ghana, Africa. It will continue moving northeast through Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Libya, Egypt, across the Mediterranean and into Turkey, where an Exploratorium team will be waiting in a 2nd-century outdoor Roman theater. For information and reservations, please call (415) 561-0308. Tickets available at the door until 2 am.
The Exploratorium will be open all night from 9pm on March 28 to 6am on March 29. The public is invited to watch this awe-inspiring event at the Exploratorium. During the night, roving astronomers will be on hand to answer questions. Do hands-on science and astronomy activities; watch Eclipse films, experience traditional Turkish dancers and music, and take part in traditional Turkish crafts such as mosaics, calligraphy and paper marbling. In addition, there will be Brazilian capoeira dancing and music (the eclipse begins in Brazil), twirling light dancers, and African mask and puppet making. A game room will feature games from the path of totality, including backgammon, the national game of Turkey. Bring your sleeping bags and snacks. The Exploratorium will provide the coffee, while it lasts!
For information and reservations, please call (415) 561-0308. Tickets for the event are $15.00 for adults (18-64), $12.00 for seniors and students (13+), and $10.00 for ages 4 through 12. Children 3 and under are free. Members are only $8.00 per person.
Added by heloise on March 24, 2006
They're having something similar at Chabot in Oakland