Learn how to conquer money problems once and for all at this inspirational and entertaining event. Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover LIVE! simulcast will provide you and your family with the tools you need to win with money!
The Total Money Makeover LIVE Event is the LARGEST event on personal finances in the U.S. - period. Why? Because it's fun. In fact, it's the most fun you'll ever have learning how to win with money.
If you've heard Dave on the radio, then you know his philosophy and his energy. BUT you haven't REALLY experienced Dave until you've seen him face-to-face, live in action!
Dave says, "If you really want to get out of debt, you've gotta get MAD. You've gotta get wired up and fired up. You've gotta sell so much stuff, the kids think they're next." We see it every single event. People come to the event depressed and beaten down by debt, but they leave with hope and determination to eliminate it.
Experience it all for yourself by attending Dave Ramsey's LIVE Simulcast Event.
Door prizes - Free Pizza and Refreshments - Free Parking (Doors open at 11am)
Official Website: http://www.LifeChurchMorris.org/tmmo
Added by LifeChurch of Morris on February 8, 2010