100 S Virginia St
Reno, Nevada 89501

The season opens with the gripping drama of Tosca, last performed at Nevada Opera 12 years ago. Performances are Friday November 4, 2005 at 8 PM and Sunday, November 6, 2005 at 2PM. In this, one of the all-time favorite operas, Floria Tosca, a famous opera singer, is in love with Mario Cavaradossi, a painter by day and a revolutionary by night. When Cavaradossi's politics run up against the law, the crooked police chief, Baron Scarpia, has him tortured and carted off to prison to await execution. Scarpia is willing to lessen the sentence if Tosca would yield to his lecherous desires. Tosca accepts Scarpia's villainous terms for her lover's freedom, but pulls a switch that ultimately backfires. Deborah Raymond returns to Reno in the title role following her memorable and touching performance in Madama Butterfly in 2003. Joining her will be baritone Dennis Jesse as Scarpia, last seen as Danilo in Nevada Opera?s The Merry Widow.

Tenor Drew Slatton last seen as Don Jose in Carmen a role he has sung most recently with Connecticut Opera. A protégé of renowned bass Jerome Hines, Slatton specializes in the repertoire of Puccini, Verdi and verismo composers.

The stunning scenery for Tosca comes to us from The New Orleans Opera Scene Shops with costumes from Malabar. Kyle Marrero, who directed Rigoletto for Nevada Opera 3 years ago, returns as Stage Director. Joining the cast will be bass-baritone Ashraf Sewailam as Angelotti, baritone Stuart Duke as the Sacristan, Phil Boardman as Sciarrone and Roland Wunderling as Spoletta. The Nevada Opera Orchestra, Chorus and Youth Chorus will be conducted by Artistic Director, Michael Borowitz. Tosca is underwritten by a generous grant from the E. L. Cord Foundation.

Added by Nevada Opera on October 7, 2005

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