120 Tremont St., Faculty Dining Room (second floor)
Boston, Massachusetts

Monday, May 16th -- ACLUM Annual Meeting of Members

Torture, Secrecy and the Rule of Law

Please join us for a reception and presentation featuring Jameel Jaffer, the ACLU attorney for the lawsuit that led to the recent release of 30,000 documents attesting to detention abuse. Congressman Ed Markey has been invited to talk about his attempt to stop the practice of "outsourcing torture."

Suffolk University Law School

120 Tremont Street, Boston

(adjacent to Park Street T station)

5:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

The Luther Knight Macnair award to be presented to Ruth Hubbard Wald, nationally recognized bioethicist.

RSVP for this free event to Gabrielle Kulin, gkulin@aclu-mass.org or 617-482-3170 x335. For more information and updates about our events, please visit www.aclu-mass.org

Sponsored by Wainwright Bank

Added by ornoth on May 3, 2005