656 College St.
Toronto, Ontario M6G 1B8

Speed dating with Single in the City is a great way to meet new people!

Tis the season to be jolly, so get out and socialize with some new people Make this holiday season a great one!
This special evening includes 2 age groups on one night at one location, up to 18 dates and some tasty appetizers.

begins at 7:15pm, dating at 7:30pm sharp

OUR GUARANTEE - If you come to a speed dating event and are not interested in anyone...meaning you do not select "Yes" for anyone on your match card you will recieve a 2nd event for free! (This only applies to paid events)

Age groups for this event are: 22-30 & 30-40
* We allow 2-3 Years leeway on the age range listed

Official Website: http://www.singleinthecity.ca

Added by Mel37 on November 23, 2007

Interested 1