256 Centennial Park Rd.
Etobicoke, Ontario

The Toronto Ribfest attracts more than 100,000 visitors each year. Presented by the Rotary Club of Etobicoke, the fest lures folks in with live music, succulent ribs, beer tents arts and crafts show as well as carnival rides, a climbing wall and pony rides for the kids.

The Canada Day party includes a citizenship ceremony, live music, fireworks and food vendors selling barbeque ribs. Live entertainment is provided by George Linton – the wandering musical clown and banjo player, the Slime Dogs, Skip Tracer and New Hollywood. The Canada Day festivities finish off with a lively fireworks display at night.

All proceeds from this fundraising event are returned back to the community through charitable organizations.

Added by K-WM on May 28, 2009