100 Queen St. W.
Toronto, Ontario

It's a joy to ride a bike in Toronto!

The Toronto Joy Ride is a 100km (or shorter with shortcuts) ride that brings you through some of the best areas of the city: through tree-lined ravines, along trails, lake shore and urban streets. You get to see a lot of new parts of Toronto, enjoy the company of other great cyclists, and get some exercise along the way - all the while supporting cycling advocacy in Toronto.

The Joy Ride is as challenging or relaxing as you'd like. The main route is 100km but for those who'd only like to do a portion of the route there will options of where people can take a shortcut with their bike, or by subway. The great thing about city riding is that you're never to far away from amenities and transit!

Registration is free. There is a suggested donation of $30 to help cover the costs of producing the guide, providing refreshments, and to support cycling advocacy. To register please contact the Cycling Cog. If you are willing to volunteer at the event or leading up to the event send an email.

The Toronto Joy Ride will support the advocacy and cycling support work of the Cycling Cog and the Community Bicycle Network.

On the day:
Meet at Nathan Phillips Square in front of City Hall at 7:30am to pick up the route guides and refreshements. The ride starts at City Hall at 8 am. We will support cyclists along the route with food and water and to deal with any problems such as mechanical problems.

Official Website: http://cyclingcog.net/torontojoyride

Added by bikingtoronto on September 8, 2006