Toronto has Abandonment Issues:
Help Toronto heal with a Use It or Lose It bylaw
Speakers, maps, photos, and campaign information
Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre (PARC)
1499 Queen Street West
Mon. 29 Oct. 2007
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Join a group of Toronto activists in a panel discussion about transforming wasted and abandoned buildings, lots, and spaces into housing. We're mapping abandonment, and pushing for a Use It or Lose It bylaw that would see vacant and underutilized buildings and spaces expropriated by the City and redeveloped as badly needed affordable housing and social centres.
Part of 'A Potential Toronto'
Initiated by the Toronto School of Creativity & Inquiry (TSCI)
More info: |
Official Website:
Added by cwhardwi on October 16, 2007