6 William St.
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

A tornado will be descending upon Davis Square on Saturday, September 18, will you be there to ride it?


Tornado Rider is a magic band of otherworldly sneth-glee. Hardly a band, actually, more like an explosive imaginary experience above the clouds which you flew to on a mystical melody-carpet. Made up of equal parts raging pack of hyenas, effortlessly gliding hawk, buffalo stampede, and over-excited puppy, Tornado Rider is an unforgettable experience that will dramatically increase your quotient of joy. Add to that the fact that all this colorful electric dynamite power comes from just 3 people playing cello bass drums and singing, and you have the makings of a champion. 3 champion sneth-animals rolled into one: a singular burrito of victory named Tornado Rider.

Featuring Rushad Eggleston, cellist/creator, who graduated from Berklee on full ride in 2003, and traveled the world with Darol Anger and Crooked Still. Tornado Rider is the ultimate expression of Rushad's rambunctiously melodic power-potential.

Witness Tornado Rider’s magically costumed theatrical parade of showmanship, musicality, athleticism, and humor, you will be transported to another dimension, and you WILL be entertained!!!

Rushad Eggleston - Cello, Vox
Graham Terry - Bass, Vox
Scott Manke - Drums, Vox

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Public info / reservations

SUGGESTED DONATION: $12 at the door; $10 if reservation is made at least 24 hours in advance and to UCG members. 50 seats will be set aside for student rush @ $5.

Official Website: http://sites.google.com/site/notlobmusic/

Added by Notlob on September 16, 2010

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