Miami's Torche had an amazing first full year as a band, releasing their critically acclaimed Self Titled debut CD/LP and touring their asses off in support of it with the varied likes of Daughters, Doomriders, Coliseum, Kylesa, Municipal Waste, etc. Hailed from the pages of Spin, Decibel, Revolver and more as the heaviest thing to be heard in years, we're beyond excited about the future of this band with some incredible tours already unfolding for 2006... but we'll keep the suspense built for the time being as we don't want to jinx anything just yet. However, we are happy to inform you that the band has already written and recorded half of their sophomore album and will continue to write the rest of it this winter, with more touring planned for the spring. There is no stopping this monstrosity of a band, but in the sickening chance you haven't experienced their glory yet, you are obliged to
Event submitted by on behalf of humcity.
Added by Humboldt on May 16, 2006