TOPS OPEN HOUSE -- FREE visit with no obligation.
TOPSĀ® (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is a low-cost non-commercial weight-loss support and wellness education organization. Along with a private weigh in, meetings provide members with positive reinforcement and motivation in adhering to their food and exercise plans. TOPS encourages healthy lifestyles as a weight-management support group.
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Our Lady of the Assumption (Catholic Church) in the first classrom North of the church.
Street: 2414 South Main Street (at 8th Street)
City/Town: Ingleside, TX
Organizational Annual dues: $26/year includes Monthly Magazine.
plus Local dues $2/month.
plus 25 cents per week -optional- quarter game.
plus small addition/optional charges for game or contest participation.
Glenn Fenner: (361) 776-3804
Joyce Spieglehoff (361) 776-2728
Martha Habluetzel (361) 776-7768
Added by grandma_hobo on January 27, 2010