TOPS #1390 Burnaby joins other TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapters in British Columbia with a TOPS OLYMPICS program with weekly incentive points earned for Exercise, Weight Loss, Attendance, Pay Dues, Contact TOPS members.
Exercise (3 x 20 min. in week) + 15 points (keep a daily/weekly EXERCISE CHART)
Weight Loss + 15 points (congratulations)
Weight Turtle + 5 points (good job)
Weight Gain - 5 points (sorry, glad you came)
Attendance weight and stay + 5 points (benefit from meeting)
Attendance weight and leave + 2 points (didn't stay for meeting)
Dues paid for February + 10 points
Contact other TOPS member(s) + 5 points
MEETINGS are held every Wednesday at 6:30 pm weigh-in for 6:45 pm -7:45 pm meeting.
LOCATION Maywood Community School, 4567 Imperial
Burnaby, BC V5J 1B7
Contact: Mary 604-299-4149
or Merrilee
Added by MerrileeMiller on January 21, 2010