1115 5th Avenue
Albany/Schenectady/Troy, New York 12180


Topics in Advanced Face-melting will feature music performances by NYC's premiere violinist, Todd Reynolds, and local laptopist, Jesse Stiles (a.k.a. The Jesse Stiles 3000). The event will be dramatically lit by dynamic light sculptures designed by the Boston-based light artist, Kevin McCormick. All three artists have created computer-based performance systems that will exploit the architectural and sonic properties of the Gasholder, catapulting sound and light through multi-channel sound and LED systems.

Pressed on the event's peculiar name, performer Jesse Stiles defined the concept of face-melting as "a temporary loss of identity or ego (facelessness) through a medium, such as music or film." Or in this case, a giant brick dome full of bright, beautiful gizmos.

Added by bitterdiva on October 13, 2003

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