Date: Thursday, March 3 2011
Time: 6:15PM - 8:45PM
Topic: ADD/ADHD - What Does It Really Mean?
Location: West End Collegiate Church (School Annex)
245 West 77th Street (Between Broadway & West End Avenue).
(School Annex is 150 Feet East Of The North East Corner Of West End Ave)
Donation: $5 Contribution To Defray The Groups Expenses
About This Meeting:
"Attention Deficit Disorder" ... "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" ... we hear these phrases all the time. But: what do they mean?
What sort of issues -- in trying to concentrate, in getting organized, in exercising self-control -- can lead to such a diagnosis? What treatment options exist? And -- since ADD/ADHD is often a lifelong situation -- what can be done in terms of management?
Leading our discussion will be Manhattan clinical psychiatrist Julia Sampton( Board-certified in psychiatry and neurology, Dr. Samton -- who also has a background in headache treatment -- uses medication, psychotherapy, and formal testing.
We Look Forward To Seeing You At Our Meetings
Our Website:
Added by addontheweb on February 25, 2011