3907 W 50th St.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424

Tonight will be the 2nd installment of the Top BrewerMN taking place at the Edina Grill! This home grown event will put master home brewers head to head to determine who will move to the final round!

Voting will take place tonight, so come sign up to be a judge and enjoy the beer sampling, some free Lucid and Lucid specials, and an acoustic performance by signer/songwriter George Scot McKelvey.

Brews by:
Matt Shotick
Gera Exire Latour
Rick Oftel
Patrick Curme
Evan Duncan
Tom Burtyk

For a complete list of brewers and additional details:

Official Website: http://topbrewer.org

Added by dowgwillom on September 25, 2012

Interested 1