5405 Wilshire Blvd.,
Los Angeles, California 90036

Join us for another OneCoach Networking Event (O.N.E.) - an incredible formula to growing your business;Networking: You will expand your network by making contacts
with up-and-coming local businesses, have the opportunity to create
alliances, and gain solutions to attracting more customers to your
business.Masterminding: No two minds ever come together without, thereby,
creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be llikened to
a third mind. Napoleon Hill, "Think and Grow Rich"
*A mastermind group is simply an alliance of two or more individuals
dedicating themselves to a specific goal. In this case that goal
involves the growth of your business.Guest Presenter: Kathleen Ronald, the Queen of Business Networking,
is an unparalleled networker, an internationally renowned
speaker-trainer, and the founder of Speaktacular. Kathleen has more
than 25 years of experience providing custom, inspirational keynotes
and training seminars to Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, and
professional associations. Author of the soon-to-be-released Networking Bible,
Queen Kathleen excels at helping people shed the cookie-cutter approach
to prospecting and develop personal, authentic strategies that build their net worth by building their network.

Organized by OneCoach of Los Angeles
It might begin as a sketch on a napkin. It could be passed down over generations, or purchased as a franchise. Regardless of how it starts, a small business embodies deeply held hopes and aspirations - it is the great purpose and extraordinary project of its owner.

Now, how do you get from where you are, to where you really want to be?

OneCoach will show you how.

Ticket Info:  
  • OneCoach Members: Bring a guest and attend for FREE! just enter the Discount Code..., $10.00
  • Non-Members, $20.00
  • Non-Member: I am bringing a guest so we get in for 1/2 off!, $10.00

Official Website: http://losangelesonecoachmarch25-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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