1.00 CPE/MCLE Credits
What does the Jerry Brown administration have in store for the California workplace? What are the recent developments in the enforcement of our EEO Statutes and Regulations? What are the anticipated changes to wage and hour law enforcement practices?
Hear the latest about these critical issues and get practical advice on managing new developments in the laws and regulations governing your workplace.
About the Presenter
Michael Nader is Of Counsel with the San Francisco office of Ogletree Deakins. He has extensive experience representing management in employment litigation in federal and state courts and before administrative agencies. Mike earned his law degree at the Notre Dame Law School, and has served as a judicial clerk for federal trial and appellate judges. The Bar Association of San Francisco has awarded Mike the Outstanding Volunteer in Public Service Award each year from 2003-2010, in recognition for his service to the non-profit community.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on August 9, 2011