Added by Upcoming Robot on January 17, 2009
we could buy out a whole theater for a midnight showing. or, if we are lucky, some nascent web2.0 company will get acquired around that time, and for a party, they will buy out a showing.
I wish I lived near you guys
Jayzus. You guys are nuts.
Sit back. Relax.
Enjoy the fright.
The screenplay is actually an adaptation of a book by Nancy Shaw.
Enjoy the fright?
More like enjoy the JD, MM, Teq or whatever else your pleasure is. Inbibe to survive...: Snakes on a a Mutha F\/@!^& Plane.
daaaamn...a chance to video chat with DA MAN himself, samuel L jackson. check out the link:
I just pray this is more comical than horrific, because me no likey the scary shit. Having said that, I'll probably still go see this.
oh damn straight you will see this.
The first showing will be at 10pm on Aug 17th. I'm hoping it will show on the IMAX screen at the Metreon.
My Web2.0 company isn't rich enough to buy out the theater, but I'll try to sneak in enough Sparks for everyone in my row.
Sparks rule!
I'm so bringing rubber snakes to scare Nicole with...
I was in - but now I have a scheduling conflict. Enjoy it!
Dude, Sparks Plus!
I just looked Snakes up on Fandango and there still isn't any dates for San Fran only Oakland and Berkeley. Let's petition Metreon!
Okay...I called the Metreon and they don't have their schedule until, like, 3 days before. (415) 369-6030
So...I said, "I vote for Snakes on a Plane for IMAX" and the woman laughed and said she would make a note.
I think we should all call.
Hello, Metreon? I would like to see motherfucking snakes on a plane on motherfucking IMAX. Thanks, toodles!
Hey kids, buy the coolest lookin' SoaP shirt and buttons, you know you want 'em.
Some people were so excited they wrote the most awesomely bad song ever about it.
I have just bought tickets on Fandango for the first showing. I repeat, I AM IN POSSESSION OF TICKETS FOR THE FIRST SHOWING.
I win!
Um... what time is everyone going? We need to coordinate here, people :)
I just picked up 5 Tickets for 10pm @ the Metreon on the 17th. Now, I just need to pick up a few bottles of bourbon.
$46 later, I am also in possession of four tickets for the 10pm.
This will be our generation's Woodstock.
So is 10pm the 17th the date+time we're shooting for?
Have fun, all! I'll be watching from D.C. And be ready for the sequel:
My ticket has been obtained.
Anyone up for dinner beforehand?
Who are you people. This page makes me smile. I joined this site cuz of it.
OK, I'm going at 10 pm on the 17th.
i was gonna go but i'm not back from DC until the 18th and you guys are not going on the upcoming date anymore =(
10pm @ the metreon on Thurs; I'll be the one dressed as a Python.
Why do I get the bad feeling that showing up at 8 at the Metreon on Thursday night will land me a seat in the front row at the end of the aisle? (On one online forum people were talking about lining up overnight...)
I just bought mine too, thanks alicia!
I'm also here just for the SoaP freaks! When do we go back and use the script?
We're going at 5:30 PM... then heading to the TechCrunch party afterwards.
Snakes! Check out the Snake wiki with the 'interactive' instructions:
The official SNAKES ON A PLANE pre-party at Jillian’s in the Metreon this Thursday, August 17th from 6-9 pm.
I have 2 tickets for tonight at 10pm in the Metreon and I can't go! If anyone wants them I'll take the best offer. They were $23 altogether from fandango. Send me a note
I just notified SF Farkers ( has a thread at
Maybe some will come here now...
there are 70 people attending and 90 watching. ubermemeofmeme
I am eating pizza at the bar at jillian's; somebody come find me and let's drink shots.
"'Flight 121' my mutha-fucking ass. I took this part based on the title 'Snakes on a Plane', and 'Snakes on a Plane is what the title is gonna be."