Tony Deyo is a rarity in the comedy world - clean AND funny.
A rising young talent, Deyo is known for his sharp, quick material and near perfect comedic timing almost certainly gained from his years as a professional symphony musician. In 2007, he had the incredible opportunity to perform at HBO's U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, CO. In 2005, Tony was published alongside Bill Cosby, Ray Romano, Jon Stewart, and many others in Judy Brown's comedy collection, “Squeaky Clean Comedy.” Also that year, Tony helped produce the stand-up comedy documentary, “Metaphysical Graffiti,” with Rob Cantrell. It debuted at the Cannes Film Festival in May, 2005. Tony finished off the year with his television debut on “The Night Shift” on NBC. Tony grew up in a small town in rural Virginia. After receiving a bachelor's degree in education and master's degree in music, he spent several years performing with various symphonies. He was also middle school teacher for three years before realizing that he had a strong distaste for children. After moving to Austin, TX, Deyo discovered comedy. He began performing, influenced by the work of Jerry Seinfeld and Brian Regan. Deyo's career has already come full circle, as he has since worked with Regan repeatedly. Like his influences, Tony's act is clean and suitable for nearly any audience.
Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door. More information available on our website at
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Added by aacomedy on April 22, 2009