George Lane Park -High River, AB T1V 1M4
High River/Okotoks., Alberta T1V 1M4

Imagine if you lost 20 - 60 lbs of fat and toned your body!
Imagine if you never had to worry about high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes!!
Imagine if you could fit into all those clothes in your closet that you haven't worn for years!!!
That is what this program will do for you or your money back!!

Our program is packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight to fit into that special dress, shed the extra pounds from a pregnancy or just get fit before that special occasion, this is the program for you! Our clients lose on average 10 lbs of Body fat in 30 days. Many are signing up for 3,4,5,6, camps in a row and have lost 30- 60 lbs of fat in that time. Imagine if you lost 20 - 60 lbs of fat and toned your body!

We run Classes in:
High River/Okotoks Location opening Aug 25th
Bowness at 530 am
Shawnessy - South Calgary at 530 am
Downtown by the Memorial Stairs- at 12 Noon
Downtown by the Memorial Stairs- 530 pm

There is no other Boot Camp in Alberta like Calgary's Alberta Boot Camp. It is a minimum four week outdoor (and indoor in winter time) fitness program that offers fitness instruction, nutritional counseling, motivational training and unlike any other Alberta Boot Camp , Coaching .

Women and Men of all fitness levels, sizes and ages are gaining great results with Alberta Boot Camp! You can too! Are you looking for a jump-start to your fitness program? Then this adventure is for you! Whether you are a beginner, an avid fitness enthusiast or just tired of the same routine come try this whole new approach to!

Official Website:

Added by fitguru1 on August 18, 2008

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