Expert Psychologists, Academics, Human Resource Managers and Injury Managers from around the country gather together for this annual event, Tonkin’s 5th Annual Psychological Injury Management Conference.
Join us for a discussion dense forum examining the implementation of strategies to reduce the workplace risk of psychological injury, reduce the rates of absenteeism and cut-down the costs of claims toward your organisation.
Given MENTAL health has overtaken physical injury as the cause of the longest absences from work, mark your diaries:
The 5th annual Workplace Psychological Injury Management Conference addresses issues such as preventative health strategies, resilience and mental health training, trauma counselling, and best practice return to work strategies.
About 55 per cent of people who suffer stress or other mental conditions on the job are taking five or more sick days off in a row, figures from the Bureau of Statistics' publication Australian Social Trends, June 2011 show.
The 2011 Australian Bureau of Statistics report also shows:
-Work-related injuries and illnesses cost about $60 billion a year.
-About 4.8 per cent of compensation claims compiled by Safe Work Australia - about 61,600 workers - were for mental health matters.
-The median payout for psychological injury was $16,300.
-Separate data for federal public servants shows there has been a 54 per cent increase in mental stress claims in the past five years.
For more information about this event and to secure your early bird delegate pass pleasecall: (02) 9224 6060 to speak to our friendly staff or email
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Added by Tonkin Corporation on September 15, 2011