Leap into Drumming!
Friday, February 29, 2008
6:30P - 8:30P
Facilitated by: Mary Anne Flanagan
It only happens every four years LEAP Year! An extra day you get to do something new. Leap into 2008 with drumming sounds from all over the world. Lets bring all types of drums and make our own indigenous sounds as we co-create a circle of world rhythms. No drumming experience necessary. Bring any world instrument and lets leap ourselves into playing together.
Love Donation: $10-$25
Location: Nurtures Path, 1133 Broadway, Suite 1020 , at 26th, NY , NY 10010
Pre-Registration Required. Contact Mary Anne Flanagan at toningtheom@yahoo.com or 917-238-9726. For more programs and services, please visit our website at www.toningtheom.com
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of flanagantap.
Added by grasshopper1 on March 4, 2008