"US Foreign Policy Post '08" is debate topic Nov. 7 at 25th annual Pacific University event
As the would-be presidential candidates line up for the Iowa Caucus, the New Hampshire Primary and the Super Tuesday primary in February, what will they have to say about the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on terrorism? How will the number one issue in the minds of the voters frame the campaign? What are the options for a new administration? What will be the legacy of the Bush administration's foreign policy and how will it shape the new administration's options as we look past the campaign to the challenges of governing in the post 9/11 world?
The 2007 edition of Pacific University's Tom McCall Forum seeks to answer those questions. Following in its tradition of staging great liberal vs. conservative debates, the 25th annual public affairs forum will feature former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton and former U.S. Congressman Lee Hamilton discussing "U.S. Foreign Policy Post '08."
Official Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/events/forum/index.cfm
Added by multimodal on October 28, 2007