6-3-2 Jingumae (Harajuku)
Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture 150

When Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 7 - 10pm
Where Fujimamas, Omotesando, Tokyo
Event type Standard Plus
Area Kanto
Language Bilingual
Members or guests only? Non-members OK/Not applicable
Cost 2,500 yen (Includes presentations, Asian tapas buffet and 2 drinks)
Category/Theme of Event Business, Information Technology (IT)

tokyo2point0 #9 - Recruit Web Services & Secrets of Marketing Yourself in the Virtual World


Register for the event using on Facebook tokyo2point0 group
or at www.japanevents.net
or email andrew@tokyo2point0.net

Date: Tuesday February 12th
Time: 7-10pm
7.00-7.30 Doors open & Networking
7.30-8.10: Introducing Recruit's Web Services, Toshimasa Ishibashi
8.10-8.50: Asian Tapas Buffet & Networking
8.50-9:30: The Lessons of a Second Life Artist and the Secrets of Marketing Oneself in the Virtual World, Lance Shields (a.k.a. Juria Yoshikawa)
9.30-10.00: More networking.

Cost: 2,500 yen - Includes Asian Tapas & 2 drinks
Venue: Fujimamas 6-3-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Map & Directions: www.fujimamas.com…

PRESENTATION 1: Introducing Recruit's Web Services

tokyo2point0 #9 - Recruit Web Services & Secrets of Marketing Yourself in the Virtual World

Tokyo2Point0 events are designed to bring together people with an interest Web 2.0 for interesting & informative presentations and for networking with industry professionals..

Register for the event using on Facebook tokyo2point0 group
or email andrew@tokyo2point0.net

Date: Tuesday February 12th
Time: 7-10pm
7.00-7.30 Doors open & Networking
7.30-8.10: Introducing Recruit's Web Services, Toshimasa Ishibashi
8.10-8.50: Asian Tapas Buffet & Networking
8.50-9:30: The Lessons of a Second Life Artist and the Secrets of Marketing Oneself in the Virtual World, Lance Shields (a.k.a. Juria Yoshikawa)
9.30-10.00: More networking.

Cost: 2,500 yen - Includes Asian Tapas & 2 drinks
Venue: Fujimamas 6-3-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Map & Directions: www.fujimamas.com…

PRESENTATION 1: Introducing Recruit's Web Services

Recruit is an advertising and web, print and mobile publishing company with nearly 8000 employees, over 350 publications (a total circulation of 400 million) and 50+ web sites with 13 categtories of APIs. HotPepper is on of their most famous brands.

Toshimasa will explain how, by using APIs to open their services for anyone to use, they get their content out to the long tail of the internet.

Toshimasa Ishibashi
1999 - 2006 web engineer at Recruit Media Communications Co., Ltd
2006 - 2007 web engineer at Tatami Lab @Recruit Media Communications Co., Ltd
2007 - 2008 web engineer at Media Technology Lab @Recruit Co., Ltd

expertise on: perl, ruby, javascript, actionscript programming, Linux / Apache / MySQL service building and maintenance, designing / layouting of web-based systems, some magazine article writing (on MySQL tuning, Bash shell tips)

personal background: lived in Hawaii / Los Angeles / San Francisco during age 9 - 15. Came back to Japan in high school period, couldn't bear a life without Famicom (Nintendo) / Manga / Anime culture any more.

web sites:
[CPAN - perl module archive]
[works - simple restaurant search]
[works - schedule adjustment tool]
[works - find travel with globe]
[works - graduates recruiting site for Accenture Co.]

PRESENTATION 2: The Lessons of a Second Life Artist and the Secrets of Marketing Oneself in the Virtual World

“Her” story begins…
After a short stint with a male avatar (AV), on March 16, 2007 Juria Yoshikawa a female virtual artist was born in the Second Life (SL). She was initially created as a part of Lance's research on social media for his company. But over time she took on a life of her own and she became a passion that quite literally changed his life. From this experience he gained valuable lessons in the secrets of marketing oneself in the virtual world which he will share with us.

Lance Shields is a social media strategist currently working in the Communications Division of Amway Japan. He directs the creative strategy for his company’s social media including social networks, blogs, virtual worlds (Second Life) and web-focused business. Previous to that, he was creative director at Scient Japan and Agency.com in San Francisco.

In Lance’s private work, he is an established virtual artist in Second Life. He is the real life person behind virtual artist Juria Yoshikawa (his avatar’s name). Rather than bringing in real life artwork, Juria uses the elements native to SL itself- kinetic objects, animated texture, script, ambient noise, particles and av animations. To Juria virtual art is about freeing oneself up to create in ways she finds impossible in real life. Juria (Lance) was selected as #2 Creation Artist in the 2007 Best of SL Art contest and has large-scale permanent art builds on exhibit at the IBM and Princeton University sims.

SL art blog: memespelunk.org…
Photos: flickr.com…
Trailer for a documentary of a 2007 work: www.youtube.com…

=== tokyo2point is co-organized by ====

Andrew Shuttleworth

Lauren Shannon, Fujimamas Restaurant Bar & Cafe

Ultra Super New Inc. - Interactive Creative Agency in Tokyo

And supported by ...

Asoboo - The network for creative, internationally-minded people
Link www.tokyo2point0.net

Official Website: http://www.tokyo2point0.net/

Added by Lshannon on February 7, 2008

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