An Evening of Barbershop Entertainment.
One night only.
Four great acts on one historic stage.
Not to be missed if you love Barbershop.
Homegrown and wholesome American Music.
90 Minutes of joy and harmony featuring:
The Sun Harbor Chorus, established in 1946, is the San Diego Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Showcasing the Great American Songbook in four-part a cappella harmony, the men of Sun Harbor delight audiences of all ages. Probably best known for their Holiday Elf performances and Singing Valentines this is a chance to see the scope of their musical magic.
The Velvet Frogs Barbershop Quartet is the reigning Senior Quartet Champion of the Far Western District of the Barbershop Harmony Society (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.). This popular, entertaining group of singers perform the “old songs” in the “old style” reminiscent of the early 1900’s. These four are a rare commodity. They are funny and they sing really well!
The Cadence Quartet brings beauty and grace to the stage. Members of Sweet Adelines International, these ladies sing Barbershop like no others. They exemplify the variety of the art form and provide an enjoyable change of pace from the men.
Tuesday Night Alibi performs an eclectic variety of music. They have performed for the Chargers, Padres, LA Kings, and the horses at Del Mar. They were privileged to perform at the Holiday and the Poinsettia Bowls. They are local favorites on Television and Radio. Their motto is “We get lots of requests, but we sing anyway.” These four guys like to have fun.
Balboa Park is a wonderful oasis in San Diego. Why not combine your visit with a picnic, dinner, or a visit to one of the other attractions. Everything in Harmony!
Tickets now on Sale!
$15 - General Admission
$12 - Seniors - Military – Children
or mail check w/preaddressed envelope to:
Craig Hughes
1008 Edgemont Place
San Diego, CA 92102
Official Website:
Added by GetPromotd Services on August 21, 2012