James Street
Salford, England M3 5HW

To celebrate the beauty that is the human body we will be playing host to a Nude Tea Party where you can have a go at making banners with positive body image slogans, taking photos, sketching nudes, creating art, eating cake and drinking tea (carefull you don't spill it!!!). There will be several mass directed poses that will be photographed similar to Tunick's work at The Lowry. Clothing is optional, some guests will be fully naked and some will be fully clothed with everything in-between. Music and chilling will be going on after 10pm and all shapes, sizes and genders are welcome.
PLEASE NOTE, CHANNEL 4 WILL BE FILMING THIS EVENT. To get involved email Luke@FreeCulture.co.uk or greta_friedlander@hotmail.co.uk

Official Website: http://crd.fm/UK

Added by Islington Mill on September 21, 2011

Interested 1