Stand out with the help of Jacksonville University Toastmasters!!!
Jacksonville University’s Toastmasters is a club open to the public, comprised of members and guest that meets for an hour. Participants practice and learn skills by giving a prepared or impromptu speech, serving as a timer, evaluator, or grammarian. There is no instructor; instead, a member comments on each speech and the overall meeting in a constructive manner.
Good communicators tend to be good leaders, and in this tough job market, communication skills just might determine who gets to keep their position, or even better, who is hired. Don’t miss the chance to learn, grow, and distinguish yourself from your peers, come visit J.U. Toastmasters to hone your communication skills!
Meetings take place the first and third Tuesday of the month in the Davis College of Business with food provided. The building is near the second entrance, near the on campus roundabout. The room is usually either 114 or 117, which are next door to each other. We look forward to seeing you there! If there are any questions, please email:
* Admission is free although we ask that visitors are age 18 and over.
Added by Jacksonville University Toastmas on September 15, 2009