2002 West Gray
Houston, Texas 77019

Come to ESIG for answers to the nagging questions some sole practitioners continue to ask:

* Do I really need a Web site?
* Aren't Web sites really just money down the drain in the name of hype, wasted time and search engine madness?
* Who says I need to be found on the Web?

In 2006, marketing experts say one of the most important measures of business success is the brand identity of a company Web site. Yet many sole practitioners and small businesses are still holding back. They don't embrace the philosophy that "a business does not exist without a Web presence."

Aaron Long, our October speaker for the Entrepreneurs Strategic Interest Group, says he can set the record straight once and for all about the importance -- or not -- of an upfront existence on Google and Yahoo. Join your friends for a lively discussion and soak up our speaker's strong opinions on this new wave of small business marketing.

Speaker Information "Aaron Long"

Aaron Long, creative director and equity partner of Houston's Schipul Web Marketing, has a self-proclaimed world title: "I can find an image on a Google search quicker than any human being alive," he promises.

Such is Long's passion for the Web and for the results he provides small business clients whose Web sites consistently rank on the first page of Google for relevant keywords. "Web marketing is a new concept that is changing every day," he says. "Many people are just beginning to learn its value - and others are still suspicious. But Web sites and search engine optimization are here to stay."

Long will tell you why at the October ESIG meeting.

Register by Wednesday 11-Oct-06 12:00 PM CDT

Official Website: http://www.iabchouston.com/en/cev/?186

Added by along@schipul.com on September 29, 2006

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