Wheaton Drama, Inc. presents its fourth show of the 2009-2010 season, "To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday" by Michael Brady.
This poignant and often funny family drama won the 1983 Oppenheimer Award for Best Play. Mourning Gillian, his beloved late wife, David has withdrawn from his family and taken an early retirement from teaching. Concerned about his disconnection from life, his family conspires to bring him back into the world during a special summer weekend.
Shows are Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm (no show Easter Sunday). Tickets are $16 Friday-Sunday; $13 Thursdays.
"To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday" is presented by arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing, Inc.
Wheaton Drama will conclude its 2009-2010 season with the musical "Chicago", running May 28–June 20.
Wheaton Drama’s 2010-2011 season will include: "The Drowsy Chaperone", "Little Women", "Twentieth Century", "All My Sons", and "1776".
At play since 1931, Wheaton Drama’s productions are staged at Playhouse 111, 111 N. Hale Street in downtown Wheaton, Illinois. Please visit http://www.wheatondrama.org for tickets and information, or call 630-260-1820.
Added by publicityatlarge on March 17, 2010