This inspiring documentary by Gayle Ferraro follows Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus as he brings his unique and revolutionary microfinance program to the United States. The documentary shows how microfinance changed the lives of Bangladeshi women, traces the birth of Grameen America, which gives microloans to low-income entrepreneurs, and follows the struggles and success of the first women borrowers in starting their own businesses.
A Q&A with Elizabeth Ross, Relief International’s senior program director, follows the screening. Ross oversees operations in Africa and Central Asia and is co-chair of the United Nations Committee on Humanitarian Policy and Practice. (2010, 74 min. No MPAA rating.)
*Arrive early and view the exhibition—Women Hold Up Half the Sky will remain open until 8:00 p.m. Program ticketholders gain free gallery admission!
Official Website:
Added by skirballculturalcenter on January 17, 2012