If you and some/all of your friends want to get together at the Park Tavern -Wednesday, September 17th from 7:00pm-9:00pm it is for a good cause; I am running a Marathon with Team In Training (TNT) which funds research for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. There’s $20 cover charge will include a two hour beer and wine bar to all guests wearing a wristband. Please be sure to let them know at the door that you are there to support Kim Willingham when you purchase your wristband as half of the money will go towards my find raising goal.
Hope to see you there.
-Start inviting your friends! And tell your friends to invite their friends!
or you can always donate at
http://pages. teamintraining. org/ga/wdw09/kwillingham
Official Website: http://www.kimwillingham.com
Added by justme65432 on September 15, 2008