dreams. Do you remember yours? Would you like to find out more
about where they come from and what they could possibly mean? What
interpretation method is based upon God's standard?
Come and find out more.
We are pleased to be able to offer a 2 week mini-course at Tuesday Night Study this March 24 and 31 on: Introduction to Dream Interpretation. There is no cost for the class, but registration is required. Dinner is available at the church at 6:30 PM for a donation. Class will begin promptly at 7:00 PM
Andrea Lynch will be the instructor.
Tuesday Nite Study (TNS) is a weekly training and discipleship event at the Vineyard Church of Hopkinton, Massachusetts.
Organized by Vineyard Church of HopkintonThe Vineyard Church is conveniently located 45 minutes west of Boston MA one exit south of the interesction of interstates 90 and 495.
Please contact us at 508-497-5100, or send email to
info@vineyardhopkinton.org if you have additional questions
Lodging is available in the town of Milford, MA, only a 5 minute drive from the church.
Ticket Info: Introduction to Dream Interpretation, Free
Official Website: http://vch-dreams-upcoming.eventbrite.com