4345 54th St,
San Diego, California 92115

TMSF XIX:Cardio Carnaval
Saturday March 28th, 2009 7:30 am - 2:25 pmat Horace Mann Middle School 4345 54th St,San Diego, CA 92115
Touching Minds Shaping Futures is a FREE semi-annual conference for San Diego County After School Educators! Almost 500 Activity Leaders, Site Supervisors and Multisite Coordinators attend every TMSF! This spring, The Children's Initiative is collaborating again with The Network for a Healthy California- San Diego and Imperial Regionto provide TMSF XIX: Cardio Carnaval! No, that's not a spelling error. Carnaval is Portuguese for carnival!In trueTMSF tradition, Cardio Carnaval will be an informative and fun conference FREE for all San Diego County After School Educators!

Scheduled Festivities:

7:30 am - 8:30 am:Sign In/Registration and Complimentary breakfast
8:30 am - 8:45 am:Conference Welcome
9:00 am - 1:15 pm:3 Workshop Sessions (9 workshop choices in each session = 27 workshops to choose from!)
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm: Yummy Subway lunch, raffle prizesand entertainment

We are finalizing workshops topics and will keep you posted as they develop so far workshops will be presented by:
CalSAC (California School Age Consortium)
CASRC (California After School Resource Center)
Ray Trinidad and !Mpact Consulting
Fred Becker
Lisa Jones
Junior Achievement
Jim Oyos, SAY San Diego
Tracey Ballas, School- Age Notes
And More!!!

Developing Self-Reliant Middle School Students
Developing Positive Energy Fields for Happy, Healthier & Successful Lives
Controlling Stress
Dance for Non-Dancers
No Bats, No Balls, No Problem!
FitDeck Junior
Partnering with Schools
Including Children with Disruptive Behaviors
Focus on Science
Applying Math and Language Skills to the Real World!
Meaningful Movement
Become a Word Wizard! (Vocabulary games for English Language Learners)
Inventions and Artists
Behavior Breakthroughs
Kinesi Art
Teen Cuisine
How to Develop Positive Relationships with School Administration
How to Develop Positive Relationships with Parents
How to Inspire
AND MORE being finalized!!!

Cardio Carnaval FUN FACTS!
It's FREE and FUN!
Greatlunch provided- Subway sandwich, chips & a drink... EAT FRESH!
Raffle Prizes! Grand Prize Raffles ($200.00 gift Card to Sports Authority, 4 Tickets to Sea World, Auto Detailing- must be pre-registered via this website to be eligible) Other raffle prizes include Starbucks, gift cerfificates, tickets, etc...
SpectacularConference Gift- Eco Friendly Stainless Steel 24 oz Canteen!
Awesome after school staff attend so it's a terrific networking opportunity!
California School Age Consortium FREE Resource Booth and a raffle for an on-site Mad Science presentation!
Spring into Action! 27 Workshops options on core after school program components such as Academics, Behavior Management, Enrichment, Inclusion, and over 1/3 of the workshops will be related to health, nutrition and fitness. Make sure you wear comfortable attire!
Only 550 spots available!
Each person must register individually! All registrations exceeding 1 will beremoved.
The last day for on-line registration is Monday March 24 @ 6:30 pm!
Day of the conference AM Sign in/Registration will open at 7:30 am close promptly at 8:30 am!
Registo hoje!
TMSF XIX: Cardio Carnaval is a collaboration of The Children's Initiative and The Network for a Healthy California- San Diego and Imperial Region.

For more information and opportunities to volunteer contact: Courtney Lopez at clopez@theci.org

Organized by The Children's Initiative
The Children's Initiative is a non-profit agency that works to improve the well-being of children and youth in San Diego County. The Initiative builds and sustains strategic alliances with all sectors of the community, providing direct operational/organizational support and technical assistance to community based organizations, government institutions, schools and businesses.

Ticket Info:  Cardio Carnaval, Free

Official Website: http://tmsfxix-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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