15629 S. Rt. 59
Plainfield, Illinois 60544

Learn the secrets of fellow job seekers, both current and recently landed. Our experienced panel will discuss what works for them, their strategies and tools, LinkedIn tips, and job club experiences.

We meet Tuesday, April 24th in the St. Mary Immaculate Parish Faith Sharing Room, 15629 South Rt. 59 in Plainfield at 6:30 pm.

Our panel is ready to answer your questions including:
• How they maximize their “time investment” at area Job Club meetings
• How they select and approach target companies
• How they tailor their pitch for each prospective employer or recruiter
• How they set themselves apart from competing applicants
• How they stay positive and motivated

If you have a specific question that you’d like our panel to address, please email it to EmploymentMinistry@smip.org by April 20th.

If you are new to networking, come at 6:30 pm for an introduction to networking tools like the Handbill and the Elevator Speech. At 7:00 pm, our program featuring our panel will start. Later, you can work one-on-one with our coaches to improve your resume, to practice interviewing skills or expand your network. Bring copies of your handbill or resume.

We help job seekers succeed. There is no cost to attend, pre-registration is not required, and everyone is welcome. Our members represent all ages, work backgrounds and future desires. Dress is casual.

For more information, email EmploymentMinistry@smip.org or call 815-436-2651 ext 815.

Official Website: http://www.smip.org

Added by debachtel on April 4, 2012

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