Whenever you see a tip jar at a local place you frequent, put money in it for the underpaid and undervalued employees who just served you in some capacity. Also drop in one of the "Working Hard" card size slips you can get by emailing info@OrlandoOneCorps.com . Give a "Working Hard" slip to your grocery store cashier, your drycleaner's clerk, the salesperson, floor person who just answered your question at your local department or discount store. Most of these workers are not making enough to pay living expenses. Even at $10 per hour with just FICA deducted, they may clear about $1600 per month if they get a full 40 paid hours per week (a rarity for many). We have heard that these are "entry level, student-friendly, or temporary" jobs and should remain low paid. This is just not so. Many of these workers rely on this income to live. Tell them JOHN EDWARDS WANTS BETTER for them. Tell them YOU VALUE them too. Tell them to check out the website or text the number on the slip and JOIN THE CAMPAIGN.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of songweasel.
Added by songweasel on October 19, 2007