One of the best kept secrets outside the songwriter community this, the 9th Annual Tin Pan North, Toronto’s largest songwriter’s festival, is a thriving off-shoot of the Nashville, Tennessee initiated organization. Without a big budget or fanfare, this celebration enjoys full houses of lovers of the song featuring songwriters in all stages of their careers and success. And there are more headline names being added daily, surely making this three days in May a must.
Headliners are: Ken Whiteley, Greg Wyard, Wendell Ferguson, Marc Alan Barnette, Brian Gladstone, Tia McGraff & Tommy Parham, Victoria Banks, Liam Titcomb, Roger Brown, Sean Hogan, Bill DiLuigi, Patrick Ballantyne. These folks will spearhead shows at one of the three Toronto locations (Trane Studio, The Dakota Tavern & 10 Feet Tall) on Thursday, May 22nd and Friday, May 23rd and at The Moonshine Café in Oakville on the 23rd.
For a complete performer list and club schedule, go to:
Shows at 7:30 and 9:30PM
Admission to each venue is a steal @ $10
May 24
The best deal in town is a $30 Pass that entitles the holder to attend as many shows as is humanly possible!!
All tickets are available at:
Official Website:
Added by coisha on May 7, 2008