6/9/2006 - 7:00 PM
Event Details:
Robert Greenfield presents and signs Timothy Leary : A Biography
Greenfield, award-winning biographer of Jerry Garcia and Bill Graham, paints another '60s portrait in this the first major biography of one of the most controversial figures in postwar America; counterculture hero and LSD guru Timothy Leary. Largely based on interviews with Leary's friends and acquaintances, this book offers a highly detailed portrait of a charismatic and brilliant psychologist who became the counterculture shaman who most embodied the idealism and hedonism of an age of revolutionary change.
ISBN: 0151005001
Price: $28.00
See other books on Leary this month>
Tripping: A Memoir of Timothy Leary & Co
Other Leary site with good audio>
Ultimate Leary: Neurologic
Official Website: http://www.booksoup.com/authorevents.asp?LocationID=1
Added by synthum on June 4, 2006