90 Williams Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2011


This conference will examine innovative models for improving waiting times, and access block with an emphasis on safe, quality of care.


What is behind the Emergency Department (ED) bottle neck?
This conference will examine innovative models for improving waiting times, and access block with an emphasis on safe, quality of care.
Between 2009 and 2010, Australian public hospitals provided almost 7.4 million accident and emergency services, with an annual growth rate of 4.3 per cent per year over the past five years.
Coupled with the rising demand for emergency services, there has been an increasing awareness of the extent and impact of
ED overcrowding.
This conference will address:
-The health system that creates an eD pressure
-Meeting national health quality and safety standards by strengthening safe, quality service delivery
-Balancing the Neat with the National elective surgery target priorities (NEST)
-Utilising accurate data to measure performance improvement and drive change


Keywords: nursing unit manager, emergency doctors, emergency physicians, neat funding, hospitals, emergency department

Artists / Speakers: Dr Peter Allely, Dr John Burke, Professor Hugh Grantham, Dr Chris May, A/Prof Ian Scott, Dr Pieter Nel, Glenn Paull, Dr David Rosengren, Mel Willis, Debbie Scott, Julie Morgan, Dr John Sutherland, Kate Brockman, Andrew Stripp, Mary Bonner, Professor Frank Daly, Dr Sally McCarthy, Bernie Harrison


Official Website: http://atnd.it/Ycr79X

Added by evvntBUZZ on March 11, 2013

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