Tim Reynolds
Canal Room 285 West Broadway @ Canal Street
New York, NY 10013
212 941 8100 (box office)
price : $16 advanced $18
date : Mar-02-2006 (Thu)
door : 7:30pm
show : 8:00pm
genre : Rock and Pop
age : 21 and over
Reynolds is a guitarist who rises above the mere mastery of chops to a virtual state of communion with his instrument. Reynolds makes use of every capacity the guitar possesses. He has brought a whole new sensibility to his instrument with his wide-ranging musical ability. From progressive rock, straight-up jazz and high-powered funk fusion guitar, to bass, piano, sitar, mandolin, violin, and a plethora of ethnic percussion instruments. When this self-taught musician performs it is a symphony of the senses.
Submitted by Eventful on behalf of metrohybrid
Added by evdb on December 12, 2005