290 Dolores Street
San Francisco, California

You say you want a revelation?

Join the Mission Minyan for Shavuot, the pilgrimage festival that we’ve been counting down (or up) to since Pesach that marks the giving of the Torah. Here in San Francisco, we celebrate it by making pilgrimages to the Mission and staying up all night to study – to make sure we aren’t asleep when revelation comes.

Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (aka all night learning!)

11:45 PM - 6 AM, Tues night/Wed morning May 22-23

Congregation Sha'ar Zahav (in the library)
290 Dolores St. at 16th St.
Thanks so much to our friends at CSV for opening their space to us!
We are thrilled to be in this lovely space again.

We will be learning both in the library and in the sanctuary.
Please note that for security reasons the doors will be locked.
We will open them on the hour, so time your arrival accordingly.

Schedule for all night learning


Pick one of these two great workshops:
Evan Wolkenstein
”The Deep Faith of the Wetnurse" In this text and discussion based session, we will explore Ruth -- What did she do that warrants us reading about her on Shavuot? Be prepared to explore text, to share personal stories, and to discover a tiny little word that means a whooole lot.
Shana Komitee
On Levinas
Rabbi Mark Goodman and Zac Johnson
"Why Was Aaron Punished?"
Special guest from NYC Amichai Lau-Lavie (www.storahtelling.org)
"MOUNTING SINAI - Mythos and Eros on the morning of revelation"
Pick one of these two great workshops:
The Minyan founder formerly known as Mickey Heimlich
"Mystical Views of Torah in Sefer Tanya"
Zvi Septimus
"Whose Values Are These?” How Rabbis Rule Pornograpy and Abortion
Special guest TBD!
You’ll just have to show up to find out!
David Henkin
"Why Weeks?"
Feel free to bring your own kosher snacks, coffee, energy beverages and trampolines to the Tikkun.

Immediately following our all-night learning we will daven shacharit. Please email David at marhevka@berkeley.edu if you
can commit to making our minyan of ten men and ten women.

Official Website: http://www.missionminyan.org

Added by sarahlefton on May 16, 2007

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