A tradition in the TikiWiki community, a TikiFest is when there is a meeting between at least 2 TikiWiki contributors that don't usually meet. This is an opportunity for drinking adult beverages, getting laptops out and coding wildly in group sessions, discussing about wiki technology and culture, etc. depending on the mood and context. It is a great opportunity for Tiki users and Tiki power users to meet some of the developers and learn more stuff :-)
If you don't use TikiWiki but are interested in Open Source sofwtare, Content Management Systems, Wikis, Open data, Open knowledge and all things similar, please do join us!
If you need a laptop, please indicate it on the the wiki page so someone will bring a spare.
If you can only come a short time, come Monday afternoon / evening for the party!
Official Website: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestMontreal
Added by marclaporte on August 15, 2008