1009-B Marietta St. NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

What: Tiger Beer?s CalliGraffiti (www.tigerbeer.us)

Tiger Beer, a leading Asian import, has teamed up the Greater Atlanta Design Alliance and internationally acclaimed artist Andy Lee to present CalliGraffiti. This new urban-Asian art movement blends the 4,000 year old traditional Asian practice of calligraphy with the modern American street-influenced art-form of graffiti to create an all new flavor. See beautiful dexterity in an exhibition of Lee?s creations on Fab?rik?s clothing store, created during the Tiger Beer event in Boston. Watch duo artists CalliGraffiti clothing and large canvases. Watch as break dancers break it down with a mix of dance and martial arts moves to the electronic beats of DJ Lou JI.
Where: Octane Coffee, bar, lounge, gallery (www.octanecoffee.com).
1009-B Marietta St. NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 815-9886

When: Saturday April 29, 10pm-2am

We would love to have you join us. There is no cover and Tiger is only $3 a bottle after 11pm.

Public RSVP is: calligraffitiATL@tigerbeerusa.com

All the signed CalliGraffiti items of clothing will go on sale in May at the Fab?rik Store at:
1114 W. Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30309

Official Website: http://www.tigerbeer.us

Added by maralee198 on April 10, 2006

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