1032 106th Avenue Northeast #126
Bellevue, Washington 98004

Networking is key to entrepreneur success: every founder (and co-founder!) needs to become good at meeting people and building a network of prospects, advisors, investors and potential employees and partners.

And, yet, few of us would describe ourselves as being natural networkers, good at walking into a room full of strangers and striking up conversations that could later build into lasting, useful relationships.

April's Startup 101 will change all that: we have lined up Leif Hansen, founder of Spark Interaction, who has developed a series of group exercises that will help you become a better networker, not just at TiE but at any other professional event that you attend in the future.

Leif's workshops have been featured on a variety of media including NBC’s Today Show, PBS Online & the LA Times. He is known for using highly engaging, playful and innovative processes to accelerate personal growth, catalyze communities and transform organizations.

See https://kerika.com/c/BSxW for directions and parking. Parking is free, but a little tricky to find so please use this page as a guide.

Please come on time; the event will start promptly at 5PM (and please note the new start time!)

Official Website: http://seattle.tie.org/event/48/startup-101-how-be-better-networker

Added by Arun Kumar TiE Seattle on March 30, 2013