Our whole family LOVES the Ringling Bros. circus- it’s a great event for all ages! Their newest show, Fully Charged, Is coming to the Huntington Center in Toledo October 27-30 and there is a discount code to save $4 off of the $19 and $14 tickets—just purchase through Ticketmaster at http://www.ticketmaster.com/venueartist/65566/1507334 or by phone at 1-800-745-3000 and use the code CHARGE4 to get the discount. (No double discounts. Not valid on opening night or kids discount. It’s also not valid on premium seating. Limit 6 per transaction). Feel free to pass this along to your friends and family!
Here’s a description of the show- it sounds like a great show!
It’s the most electrifying edition ever of Ringling Bros. The amazing acts include Tabayara, a dynamic animal trainer who has a rare ability to communicate with animals. Audiences will feel the earth shake when the strongman duo of Dmitry and Ruslan, who are as wide as they are tall, enter the arena.
The fearless Fernandez Brothers dial up the thrills as they perform daring feats of athleticism on the Twin Turbines of Steel! The Human Fuse, Brian Miser, sets the arena sky ablaze as he rockets through the air from his self-made human crossbow. The hilarious hoopla continues to flow as the clowns from the world-famous Ringling Bros. Clown Alley, charge up the audiences’ funny bones with hysterical silly antics and clownish comedy.
I work for Miles Of Marketing and this information was provided to me by them (www.milesofmarketing.com). We are a group of moms passing along great information like this to other moms!!!
Added by LLR on September 23, 2011