San Francisco, California

This Debrief covers TIA 2011: Inside the Network, a premier annual industry event facilitating business and technical conversations about how to plan for the best on the Network.

As all foot-weary telecom professionals know, after your string of meetings back and forth around a tradeshow, there's precious little time to actually spend learning what's hot, and seeing the most worthwhile on the show floor. That's why The Telecom Council puts together these roundtable events after large tradeshows - so our members can share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them. This gives members who didn't go a chance to learn from those who did, and those who went also get the chance to fill out their notes with things they might have missed. Participation in these debriefs and the Debrief Report is included in membership.

This Debrief Mingle is an online, moderated group discussion following the flow of news highlighted in our analyst's Debrief Report and the interest of the participants. Our analyst, Derek Kerton, will present his notes on the show and its announcements to guide the discussion and elicit insights from the group - all in the spirit of networking, communication, and collaboration in our industry. Throughout the debrief we encourage comments, disagreements, and interaction from everyone in the room - which the Mingleverse online communication tool will facilitate.

Our innovative debrief events have been extremely successful, and are consistently highly rated by all that attend. We routinely get feedback like this quote from our CES Debrief survey: "You saved me 3 days and $3,000. Great summary and great insights..."

Only one session is currently open for this online Debrief Mingle:
*Lunch (online-only) session, from 12:00 - 2:00

This meeting and the debrief report are free to Telecom Council members or $200 for non-members with an optional fee for the debrief report.

Official Website:

Added by FullCalendar on April 26, 2011

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