This February is “Bad Girl” month as the Williamsburg Regional Library Thursday Afternoon Film Series screens some delightfully naughty films from Hollywood’s censorship free “pre-code” era. This period, known for its risqué flicks, ran from the late 1920s to 1934 when the Motion Picture Production Code began to be rigidly enforced. The movies will be screened in the Williamsburg Library Theatre, 515 Scotland Street at 2 p.m. every Thursday throughout the month. They are free of charge and tickets or reservations are not required. Call the Adult Services Department at (757) 259-4050 for more information.
Feb. 22 – Pandora’s Box – (1929, Silent Film)
Louise Brooks, sporting her iconic helmet hairstyle, is bewitchingly beautiful and alluring as a hedonistic temptress named Lulu who unintentionally destroys every man who succumbs to her charms. This film was exceptional in its time for it’s sympathetic portrayal of a “Bad Girl.” G.W. Pabst directed this critically acclaimed silent film, which is set in Germany at the time of the Weimar republic.
Official Website:
Added by wrlprograms on January 29, 2007