The April Thursday Afternoon Film Series presents depictions of British royalty. The movies will be screened in the Williamsburg Library Theatre, 515 Scotland Street at 2 p.m. every Thursday in April. The showings are free of charge and reservations are not required. Call the Adult Services Department at (757) 259-4050 for more information.
Amber St. Clair (Linda Darnell) is a girl with ambition, beauty and a malleable sense of morality. These attributes take her from a poor peasant village to the decadent restoration court of Charles II (George Sanders). Along the way she survives prison, plague and the great fire of London, but can she hold onto her one true love? Cornel Wilde costars and Otto Preminger directed this enjoyable romp based on the bawdy romantic bestseller by Kathleen Winsor.
Event submitted by on behalf of programs.
Added by Programs on March 29, 2007