Big Dog Theater's first shortform improv comedy troupe Thunderlips and the Submissives grabs the stage for a night of fast paced, hysterical and completely unscripted improv comedy! T.A.T.S. includes 9 of our city's hottest new improv junkies. If you are a fan of "Who's Line Is It Anyway" then you will love T.A.T.S.! This group is high-energy, physical, and will keep the funny going all night long! You may have seen them around town. Now check them out every month at their home in Coventry!
Box office opens at 8:30pm...Show begins at 9pm. Tickets $8 cash only. Tickets can be purchased by cash only at the door the day of the show, reserved online at or by phone at 216-472-3636. Concessions available at Big Dog Treats just outside the theater doors.
Print out a show coupon from our website and take an additional $1 off your ticket!
We got your funny Cleveland!
Added by Powerhouse Pub on March 1, 2012