Big Dog Theater's first and Cleveland's newest shortform improv comedy troupe Thunderlips and the Submissives includes 9 of our city's hottest new improv junkies. If you are a fan of "Who's Line Is It Anyway" then you will love T.A.T.S.! This group is high-energy, physical, and absolutely hysterical. You may have seen them around town. Now check them out at their home in Coventry!
Box office opens at 8:30pm...Show begins at 9pm. Tickets $8 cash only. Tickets can be purchased by cash only at the door the day of the show, reserved online or by phone at 216-472-3636.
Concessions available at the BIG DOG CAFE just outside the theater doors.
Funny...Yeah we got that!
Added by Powerhouse Pub on June 22, 2012