Enjoy a special performance of Cleveland’s newest shortform improv group that has everyone talking! Big Dog Theater is proud to present an evening with THUNDERLIPS AND THE SUBMISSIVES! This new fast paced, high energy and hysterical shortform comedy group is our first house team and we are so honored to have them at BDT! The group consists of 9 of Cleveland’s up and coming improv addicts and is coached by Deena Nyer Mendlowitz of FWB Improv!
Saturday Dec 11th at The Powerhouse Pub. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm. 18 & over welcome…21 & over to drink. For this showcase, tickets are specially priced at only $5! Tickets can be reserved online at www.bigdogtheater.com or by calling 216-472-3636.
Special bonus for all guests 21 & over, enjoy free admission into Howl at the Moon after the show to keep the party going all night long! The Powerhouse Pub is located at 2000 Sycamore. Cleveland, Ohio 44113.
Added by Powerhouse Pub on November 11, 2010